Infinite Pleasure at Weelde
vr 23 sep
infinite___pleasure On September 23rd we return to @weelderotterdam for another bumpy night! Last time was epic so better be there friends!

23 sep 2022, 18:00
Rotterdam, Marconistraat 39, 3029 AG Rotterdam, Netherlands
On September 23rd we return to @weelderotterdam for another bumpy night! Last time was epic so better be there friends! On the bill we have @raff3000 who just killed it at Dekmantel, the debut of Rybak the uptempo alias of beats and fashion god @bluntspeakers , multi disciplinary artist extraordinaire BenKult @__henriettamuller_ , Tino @martinos_tsavidis the notorious digger and dangermixer and Man Bro (@charlton010 & @khalil_ryahi ) who destroyed Worm with their closing set a few months back and will be doing the same right here! Long story short: get your ass over, entrance €3 door only Art by: @jvanjoel